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What Are the Key Duties and Responsibilities of a Deck Cadet?

Published on August 9th 2024

A deck cadet is an entry-level job in the merchant ship. It is the first step for people who want to become deck officers. People in this role get both classroom and hands-on practice that prepares them for a career in maritime navigation and ship operations. To start this road, you need to take a merchant navy cadet course. This can be a 1-year deck cadet course or a longer program like a bsc nautical science degree.

Deck Cadet Course For 1 Year:

First, a quick rundown of the 1 year deck cadet course before we get into the responsibilities. This class is meant to give people who want to become deck officers a strong background in nautical science and how ships work. The course includes navigation, seamanship, handling cargo, maritime law, and safety measures, among other things. Additionally, cadets get real-world experience by training on board ships, where they see how the ships work on a daily basis.

Deck Cadet Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of a deck cadet are varied and cover many areas of how a ship works. Their senior officers are in charge of them, and they are supposed to learn and help the ship run smoothly. Let us look at the most important duties:


Watchkeeping is one of the main jobs of a deck cadet. They help keep the ship safe to navigate and run while being supervised by more experienced officers. During their watch, cadets keep an eye on where the ship is, keep an eye out for other ships and possible dangers, and make sure that all navigating rules and laws are followed.


Deck cadets help with guidance by doing things such as illustrating the ship's path on charts, finding bearings and fixes, and keeping an eye on the weather. GPS, radar, and ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) are some of the navigating tools they learn how to use.

Cargo Operations:

Handling cargo is an important part of a deck cadet's job. As they help load and unload goods, they make sure it is stored safely and securely. Cadets also learn about the different kinds of cargo, how to handle them safely, and what qualities each type of cargo has.

Maintenance and Repairs:

Deck cadets are in charge of keeping the ship's deck area clean and in good shape. They do things like cleaning, painting, and cutting. Cadets also help fix and maintain small pieces of equipment and gear on the deck.

Safety and Security:

When it comes to working on ships, safety is very important, and deck cadets are very important for making sure that the ship and its people are safe. They take part in safety drills, check the safety gear and help out in emergencies.


Ships must be able to communicate clearly in order to run smoothly. Students on the deck learn how to talk to other crew members, officers, and port officials using different methods, such as Morse code, VHF radio, and signs.

Administrative Tasks:

As part of their duties, deck cadets also keep logbooks, record weather information, and help with paperwork connected to cargo and ship operations.

BSC in nautical Science:

A degree in bsc nautical science covers more topics and goes into more depth on the academic and practical sides of navigation, ship operations, and maritime law. Those who complete this course can apply for promotions within the merchant navy.

The Importance of Training Programs

Deck cadets-to-be can get the information and skills they need through training programs like the cadet course in merchant navy and BSc Nautical Science. These classes teach about many areas of maritime operations, such as navigation, ship stability, weather, and maritime laws. They also stress the importance of safety, leadership, and working together as a team, all of which are necessary for a successful job at sea.

In Conclusion:

Being a deck cadet is hard work that pays off. It's a one-of-a-kind chance to learn and grow in a tough setting, which can lead to a successful job in the merchant navy. Being a deck cadet could be the ideal career choice for someone who loves the sea and wants to see the globe while advancing their profession.

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